reminding you
that you are not alone in this game called life.

new episodes every thursday.

Oge Onye Oge Onye

011 Intimacy in Creativity

“I don’t crave an intimacy that involves a touch of a hand, but instead one that causes a flame to burn in my soul.” — Anonymous

In this episode we explore intimacy and what it means to be intimate with someone beyond laying in bed with them. The creative process is an intimate space and requires vulnerability - tune in to hear more around what it means in creating something with someone else.

Reflective thoughts:

What is intimacy to you?

How do vulnerability and creativity play out in your life?

Where are you holding yourself back creatively because of a fear of intimacy?

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

010 Here With Sara

“Every moment is utterly unique and will not be continued in eternity. This fact gives life its poignancy and should concentrate your attention on what you are experiencing now.” - Joseph Campbell

In this episode Sara opens up about her awakening journey. She talks about her journey from the pharmaceutical industry to the jungles of Costa Rica, and what has led her to the “here and now.”

Reminder: Here is not a final destination

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

008 The Gifts In Rejection

“The reflection will not smile before the actual image does” -unknown

In this episode we explore the concept of rejection. Oge and Sara share around their spoiled brat-syndrome and living a life not pushing ourselves to actually compete for what we want. When we play small, it feels like we never actually win, but going after something that is out of reach or that requires us to really step up can be scary.

Are you reaching for what you truly want? Or are you limiting your dreams and aspirations based on what you think is available to you.?

We also discuss bringing awareness to what cords are holding you back from your highest expression. What relationships or ties that may have served you in the past are now keeping you from moving forward?

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

007 Heart Day

“If the pain was deep, you will have to let it go many times.” -Yung Pueblo

This is a vulnerable episode where Sara shares around the process of a heart breaking and expanding. We explore this space from the lens of self-love and finding ways to care for yourself as you move through the most painful and expansive of processes - those of the heart.

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

006 Growth

“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth” - Bryant H. McGill

In this episode Oge guides us through a beautiful grounding meditation. Backstory: Sara came into the recording studio feeling very frustrated and resistant to the growth process. Instead of diving into conversation and doing things “because we said so” - we used the tools we have. Breathing. Scanning the body. Coming back home.

Sometimes the most important thing we can do for ourselves in the growth process is to pause. To take a break and allow the body, the emotions and the soul to catch up.

Grab a comfortable seat and plant your feet firmly on the ground as you let yourself be guided through this 50 min meditation.

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

005 19:19

“In every moment, the Universe is whispering to you. You're constantly surrounded by signs, coincidences, and synchronicities, all aimed at propelling you in the direction of your destiny.” - Denise Linn

This episode dives into looking for meaning in the world around us and how that can help us in our spiritual growth and journey. We share vulnerably around belonging and the gifts we can receive from symbols, numbers and messages that we encounter in our daily lives.

What symbols and synchronicities are present in your life right now? If you really pay attention, what is life trying to show you or teach you?

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

004 A Creative Lifestyle

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” —Maya Angelou

What does it really mean to step into a creative lifestyle? Not just creating in your free time or as a hobby, but to actually live creatively? In this episode we dive into what it means for us, and how we carve out time for our creativity.

Join us in the movement - #imhuman

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

003 Choose Love

“Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we could acknowledge our fear, we could realize that we are ok.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

In this episode we talk about fear and the ways in which it holds us back. We explore how fear is not fair, and how depending on your skin color, gender or privilege, you experience a different kind of fear. We invite you to come into this episode with a an open mind, a soft heart and a willingness to take an honest look at your own worldview.

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

002 Masks Revealed

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” Brené Brown

In this episode we talk about the stories we tell ourselves, the masks we wear and the lies that we have told. We talk about stepping into authenticity and truly owning and accepting the deeper parts of ourselves.

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Oge Onye Oge Onye

001 Lead by Example

"The world is changed by your example not your opinion." Paulo Coelho

In this episode we explore what it means to grow, evolve and expand in environments where we are not always understood or matched in our energy. We discuss the concept of leading by example and being our authentic selves despite what the outside world looks like.

“Because eventually, who knows, they may say, oh, she's sitting down reading, or she's sitting down writing and she's been writing for two hours. Let's go and sit down and ask her what she's writing or, match her energy instead of you fighting against theirs.”

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